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FinComm Minutes 6-25-03


Present:  Berta Bruinooge, Chair; Deborah Davis, Patricia Foley,
         Arlene Kirsch, Sylvia Smith; Marilyn Crary, Town
          Accountant; Birgitta Olson, Clerk.
Absent:   Mac Hay, Anne Suggs.
Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chair Berta Bruinooge.

Town Moderator Danny Silverman introduced new member Sylvia Smith.

Requests for Transfer.
#03-8: Shellfish Department, #179, $21,515, new vehicle. Acting
Shellfish Constable Jim McGrath spoke to the request, stating that the vehicle had been used up when they got it and is not worth repairing. There was discussion as to whether or not the request meets the criteria for a transfer from the Reserve Fund, with Arlene Kirsch and Deborah Davis arguing that it was not unforeseen and is a Capital Budget item. Berta Bruinooge felt that it was a legitimate request, noting that Mr. McGrath had tried to get a vehicle into the budget but had been denied, and that budget constraints had disrupted the established vehicle rotation schedule. Also, the vehicle had failed at the end of May, which was very bad timing for the Department's work.  Patricia Foley MOVED "that the Finance Committee approve the request for a transfer from the Reserve Fund."  SECONDED by Beta Bruinooge and CARRIED 5-0.
#03-9: Medicare, #916, $5,264,07. It was noted that the budget is short because of five new employees. Arlene Kirsch MOVED "that the Finance Committee approve the request."  SECONDED by Pat Foley and CARRIED 5-0.
#03-10: Legal Expenses, #151, $6,505. Deborah Davis MOVED "that the Finance Committee approve the request."  SECONDED by Sylvia Smith and CARRIED 5-0.
#03-11: Liability/Property/Compensation Insurance, #945, $1,637.
Arlene Kirsch MOVED "that the Finance Committee approve the request."  SECONDED by Pat Foley and CARRIED 5-0.
It was noted that there is c. $21,000 remaining in the Reserve Fund.

Other Business.
The Minutes of the meeting of 5/14/03 were approved, as MOVED by Davis, SECONDED by Foley, and CARRIED 5-0.
Mail was reviewed.
Accountant Marilyn Crary reported that she doesn't think the Town will need a $300,000 Override.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Birgitta V. Olson                         Berta Bruinooge, Chair
Committee Secretary                       Approved  8/27/03